4 thoughts on “A Good Wife

  1. Am I the only one who noticed the 17 years old, recently married girl in the comments? Maybe they need this kind of advice. After all, child bides should be seen and not heard.


  2. When I first began to understand the family dynamics in Christ Church and Trinity Reformed I felt enormous compassion for the female members. Over the years, as I have read their blogs, and their Canon Press offerings (where last names guarantee publication) I realized that they are not suffering from a Stockholm Syndrome inability to function as adults. their behavior reflects the profound gender role dysfunction which rules all Kirk adult interactions.

    When headship means “Shut up and do what I say, think as I think, vote as I vote, (not necessarily in that coarse manner but nonetheless the message is clear) it’s all about power not sacrifice. One need not be a genius to quickly identify the profound male insecurity which under-girds their every marital word and action. Note to Doug Wilson: Sexually secure, straight, adults don’t need to focus unrelentingly on sexual orientation to prove they’re not in the closet.

    Conversely, although the Kirk women and girls may give lip service to the notion that they were created with talents, intelligence, and unique abilities they routinely deny God’s goodness and disdain His generosity every time when they subordinate their gifts and intellect to bolster the fragile egos of their husbands, fathers, and Kirk employers. This of course calls for a special shout out to Superintendent Tom Garfield (aka Dr. Spanky – not that he actually has a PhD) to explain why Logos School non-apologetically pays female teachers less than their male counterparts.

    Daddy Knows Best is a twisted and pathetic parody of mature marital relationships. Similarly, it is a grotesque way to lead a congregation. I am not joking when I suggest that the aggregate mental age of the congregation appears to be fourteen years for the men and five years for the women. When (if) they finally acknowledge that pandering to Doug Wilson’s lust for unearned privilege and absurd sense of self-entitlement they may begin to enjoy life as fully developed, fearless Christian adults.


  3. Ms Rose,

    A footnote to your excellent analysis: If spanking underage female bottoms were the only fetish executed by Tom Garfield, several former female Logos students would not be suffering the serious life long effects (notice the plural) of his executions (notice the plural) of another of his fetishes.

    I hope the ongoing private investigation into these matters results will eventually be made public. Although the statutes of limitation have expired, airing the truth will cause most Moscowans and Latahans to see Douglas Wilson and Tom Garfield for more than just self-promoting, bigoted religious crackpots, but rather two pseudo-men that are not even fit to be feed to the pigs.

    Garfield’s and Wilson’s actions in these matters are just another outrageous example of their view of women/girls aptly fit for their use, subjugation. and degradation.


  4. Wow. I know lots of Christ church wives. There is very little silent about them. I have heard Doug on Marriage. I disagree with most of the other memes, but this one is very wide of the mark.


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