Always and forever


Now that the ability to physically intimidate people isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be, lots and lots of men are finding that their methods for problem solving and maintaining dominance aren’t working.

When you start rewarding authority to people who do a good job and treat people well, the people who obtained and maintained power based on threats will slowly start to dwindle.

There isn’t a single damn thing about having a penis that qualifies you for dominance.  


Mystic Forces


Doug gives 7 reasons why men should get married by 23.  Here’s a summary for those who have a tough time reading his posts.

  • God has created most people fundamentally incapable of being alone.(Get married because you’re actually a loser!)
  • Gettin’ busy is better than getting clicky. (Porn is bad and sex fixes porn!)
  • 23 years old is the oldest a man should be without acquiring a mother substitute. (This time with extra benefits!)
  • If you have no personality, marriage will make you appear as if you have one! (You’re actually a loser, and people will all *know* unless you get married!)
  • God wants babies – you need to be able to catch babies – therefore… 23!  (If God had put you on this earth for your wisdom, he’d have made you a pastor. Be fruitful and obedient sheepies!)
  • When you get older, you learn more about yourself and what you want and need, so it’s better to get married before you have any clue! (Create a small, reasonable checklist that includes working reproductive organs and theological sameness!)
  • Put a dent in the menacing spectre of feminism by capturing a woman young and taking care of her so well she can’t even think about autonomy! (Shit, I needed seven points and I’ve only got six – bash feminism, that’s always a hit!)

To be totally fair, the last point hasn’t got a damn thing to do with getting married early. I suspect that Doug just wanted to see if he could use the sentence “Feminism is a toxic mess.” into an article because he thought it sounded cool.