Nepotism = Entitlement


Should the government give out welfare? Doug says no. Should they government run social security? Doug says ‘absolutely not!’ Is Obamacare an abomination? Doug thinks so.

Should people be appointed to the highest positions of authority in Moscow because they’re related to Doug? Doug says…yes.

Our Fellowship


There are many, many valid reasons to leave a bad church.  Leaving an abusive, destructive church inflicts a lot of pain, as you often lose friends, family, and possibly your way of life.

Going through the pain of leaving a bad church provides an opportunity for growth that you never, ever get if you stay within the context of the abusive, domineering church.

The ‘Fellowship of Grievance‘, as Wilson calls it, isn’t broken. We aren’t bitter, nor are we twisted orc-like creatures as Toby says. We have grown out of our need to be dominated by our church, and we want to let the rest of the people inside know that there is a better way.

Leave the Kirk. It’s better outside.

The Kirkfather


Natalie has posted an extended segment of a conversation between Doug Wilson and her father, Gary Greenfield. It’s clear from the conversation that Doug attempts to guarantee Gary’s silence in a mafia-like fashion, and when he doesn’t encounter the complete obedience he requires, resorts to threats.

If you’re having trouble seeing the threats in Natalie or Katie’s post, try mentally replacing Doug Wilson’s name with ‘The Godfather’.

Pudding a Not-So-Fine Point On It


“Women inescapably need godly masculine protection against ungodly masculine harassment; women who refuse protection from their fathers and husbands must seek it from the police. But women who genuinely insist on ‘no masculine protection’ are really women who tacitly agree on the propriety of rape.” (Douglas Wilson, Her Hand in Marriage, p. 13)

Really, it isn’t Bill Cosby’s fault. All of those women were just walking around without men, and they got what was coming to them, right?

For Lent, how about giving up the loathsome notion that women are responsible for being sexually attacked?

Did Not Save Christmas


Give up attempting to influence the culture while refusing to participate in it.  Nobody likes the weird kid who tries to make everyone mispronounce things the way HE read them.

Doug Wilson is evidence that Protestants can’t write. Kirk Cameron and Darren Duane is evidence that they can’t make a movie.



The leaders of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches have, at every juncture proved themselves to be unable to do or say anything about Douglas Wilson.  They elected him Moderator of the denomination (by one vote), and, when they had a chance to actually investigate what was happening in Moscow, they formed an internal committee, headed by Douglas’ co-author Randy Booth. Since Mr. Booth has stepped down post-plagiarism, what is  being done?


For Lent, the CREC should give up cowardice.