6 thoughts on “Why can’t the rest of you see how great he is?

  1. Really, I think it wouldn’t be asking too much to have Doug occasionally throw a sweaty scarf to ’em in return for all that blind adulation . . . hey! Wilson Sweat-wet Scarves! Yet another venture for Canon Press/Music/Wilsonian Memorabilia!


  2. An excellent example of what a world class thinker Douglas Wilson is, what a true master of logic and logical fallacies he is, and what an unabashedly humble, unpretentious, self-denigrating man he is can be found in a recent writing.

    See his Blot & Mablot of 10-25-2013, “Excesses of the Wahoo Brethren”

    Proving absolutely and once and for all the cessatiomism is the only true doctrine, Wilson enriches us with this stunningly convincing argument:

    “In short, I believe that cessationists usually understand the Bible better than do continuationists, not to mention the logic of the thing.”

    Translating this into normal person speak, it reads:

    “Me and my men understand the Bible better than them and their boys and girls, therefore cessationism is the truth.”

    How much more humble can any human being be? How much a better case of the proper use of an ad hominem argument be found?

    Not leaving us to be convinced merely by his utterance (never to be doubted by the faithful or the most wise) of something, Wilson condescends to favors us with what he means by “not to mention the logic of the thing:”

    “Continuationists are vulnerable to the sins of the gullible. Completely independent of the question of spiritual gifts, I am more likely to be able to get a charismatic to believe that there are fairies in the garden than I would be able to get a cessationist to believe it. Cessationists are correspondingly susceptible to the sins of the debunker. I am much less likely to get a cessationist to believe in a remarkable response to prayer than I would be able to get a charismatic to believe it.”


    “Continuationists are easy marks for con artists.”

    Another spectacular example of the proper use of ad hominem!

    This makes you want to run out and buy thousands and thousands of copies of the logic text published by Canon Press and distribute them to the poor in the spirit of Matthew 25:31-46 so that they may find the truth and thereby be greatly enriched, and you will reap eternal life under the auspices of the incomparable Douglas Wilson.


  3. Whatever qualities, most of them unflattering and dismal though some are attractive to a few, Douglas Wilson may have, he presents an interesting case study for mental health professionals and logicians.

    If your interest in logic, paranoia, reaction formation, rationalization, grandiose self-delusions, dementia, etc is sufficient to motivate you, reading his Blot &Mablot tirades provides much interesting, if not fascinating, fodder.

    Many general comments can be made about his increasingly shrill screeds, including showing himself to be a turncoat to many of his former allies who have finally had the good sense to abandon him, his antithetical to the teaching of Christ dogma, ego speak, and his convincing real life demonstrations of how to be the Anti-Christ. But it now appears something much more serious is afoot.

    His writings have always provided logic teachers with numerous examples of informal logical fallacies, but lately the number and density of these fallacies have increased, and the inanity, strident voice, and the extreme positions of his rantings seem to have accelerated to a new high.

    Is this a symptom/harbinger of present and developing serious cognitive difficulties?

    If so, How will the elders.\, already impaired by serious narrow mindeness, deal with the probable senescence of their leader and self-proclaimed true agent of God?


  4. Yes, Hooper, many of us in Moscow have noticed an increasingly vacuous look on the countenance of Douglas Wilson over the past few months.

    But the other parallel story is that Roy Atwood, titular President and Senior Fellow of Humanities at New Saint Andrews, more and more wanders around with a glazed look giving the impression of a struck ox.


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