38 thoughts on “Ann Coulter

  1. This is a ridiculous analogy.

    Anne Coulter is a trained lawyer who earned her JD from the University of Michigan after she earned a BA from Cornell University, whereas Doug Wilson studied philosophy (sophistry) at the University of Idaho. Ann Coulter practiced law. Doug Wilson has never had a job. All of Ann Coulter’s books are published by bona fide publishers and many are bestsellers. Almost all of Doug Wilson’s books are self-published. Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist who posts her columns on her self-titled blog. Doug Wilson writes on a blog named after the prince of darkness (Gog and Magog). Ann Coulter is a member of a genuine presbyterian church that holds its membership in a genuine presbyterian denomination. Doug Wilson is the founder of a cult in north Idaho that is a confederate (not member) of the CREC, which Wilson also founded. Ann Coulter does not pretend to be a politician, which is the point of your analogy; however, Doug Wilson pretends to be a theologian, to the harm of the Christian church.

    It’s a ridiculously false analogy across the board.

    But if you must make an analogy between Wilson and a politician, Barack Hussein Obama is the man. Doug Wilson has never held a real job until he began his con job in the ministry — just like Barack Obama, who has never held a real job until he entered politics. Doug Wilson is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and employs all of Alinsky’s tactics in his so-called ministry. Barack Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and even taught a class on his tactics, which he too regularly uses. Doug Wilson is a self-taught guitar-strumming preacher who at one time used to street-witness but now uses street-fighting tactics (dirty pool) to accomplish his will. Barack Obama is a “street organizer” (his words) who cut his teeth in the streets of Chicago, known for the “Chicago Machine” (dirty politics), and he only uses Chicago Machine politics to achieve his will. Doug Wilson is a know-it-all narcissist who will never concede error of any moment no matter how many people he hurts in the process (i.e. unleashing Steven Sitler on the community). Hussein Obama is a know-it-all narcissist who will never concede error of any moment no matter how many people he hurts (i.e. unleashing the Gitmo Five on the world). Doug Wilson retaliates against those who oppose him with ruthlessness matched only by the IRS, which happens to be the federal agency that Hussein uses as a weapon against those who oppose him.

    Wilson and Obama are mirror images of each other. They are twin brothers of different mothers. How in the world you dragged Ann Coulter into this is beyond comprehension.


    • Ann Coulter is an abusive ass who makes everything she tries to support sound awful through ignorantly screeching it at the top of her lungs. That’s how they are similar. Ann Coulter has actually done quite a bit more work, and demonstrated a greater deal of intellectual acumen than Doug, but there is a similarity of volume, shrillness, and general stupidity.


      • Memes: You’re wrong and I’d bet the only thing you know about Coulter is what you read on Puff Ho or hear on MSNBC. Yes, Wilson’s an abusive ass but Coulter is not as evidenced by the lone column you cite. Please show me one shrill line from your citation and I’ll show you how you misread it.

        And it’s incredibly stupid on your part to accuse Coulter of “general stupidity.” Do you have a JD? Do you even have a BA? Could you possibly get into an Ivy League school? Have you ever clerked on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals? Have you written more than one bestseller? Can you even define “shrill”? (Hint: this line of questioning is borderline.) “General stupidity” are not the two words that an intelligent person would use to describe someone with her résumé.

        You probably posted this meme based on something you heard about Coulter or maybe you were trying to pander to your liberal readers, and you can’t admit it. So in that respect the comparison should be between you and Wilson because neither of you can admit a mistake, especially when you make it in front of the whole world. Brazen it out, as he would say. Stonewall it. Stick to your guns. Never concede your error. And then reinforce your point with the handy ad hom.

        General stupidity indeed. You’re exactly the same.


  2. Ann Coulter posed nude for Playboy. Douglas Wilson didn’t. For the latter, we and all other abhorrents of disgustingly mortifying graphics are eternally grateful.


  3. @Danger: You did not note that Wilson says he’s a Christian but he acts more like an Islamist, just like Obama who says he’s a Christian but ALWAYS lands with the Islamists, whether it’s the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the terrorists who attacked the US embassy in Benghazi, or the GITMO 5.

    @Memes: You whiffed on this one. Wilson is a lot of things — all of them rotten to the core — but he’s always careful to never be “shrill.” Also, I’ve followed Coulter for about 15 years and I’ve never seen her wax shrill. She’s a highly skilled rhetorician who has an excellent grasp of the facts, which is the reason she drives lefties nuts. They can’t address her arguments so they ad hom her — just as you have done.

    Regardless, you’re making an unsupported abusive ad hominem argument against Coulter to criticize Wilson for being the king of abusive ad homs. This kind of argument leads one to believe that you graduated from NSA with honors.


  4. You know, I read her every week — but this week when I saw the title I passed, and I skipped it precisely because it’s title signaled a non-political column. So I just read it and I fail to see anything that qualifies as “shrill,” though I agree with her about soccer — I’d rather be waterboarded than have to watch a game.

    And I think you missed the style of this essay. It reads more like Dave Barry or Rick Reilly than a typical Coulter column, that is, it’s a humor piece. But again, nothing shrill here.

    I loved this one:


  5. I enjoyed this meme because I think the comparison is apt. Doug’s home-school, self-directed, divinity school was shaped by his abysmal narcissism and general nastiness. Ms. Coulter shares those characteristics. She certainly received adequate academic training but she has limited experience in private practice and prefers (curiously) either government or political party paychecks – and neither within the last decade and a half – that I am aware of. She does not claim to be Presbyterian, but she does say she is a Christian. So what??? Arguably, I am jaded, but in Moscow attorney’s are thick on the ground and not all of them are noted for their brains. Actually, JDs don’t offer an guarantee of a high I.Q. – Michele Bachmann is living proof of that. There are many bright, articulate conservative writers but Ann Coulter is, as they say, no Charles Krauthammer. And, Doug Wilson is, sadly, the poor man’s version of C.J. Mahaney. In short, they are peas in a pod.


  6. Every assertion in your comment is an ad hom and, ironically, every ad hom demonstrates a double standard. For example: “shaped by his abysmal narcissism and general nastiness. Ms. Coulter shares those characteristics.” Please tell us why you believe the same things couldn’t be said about your snipes at Wilson that fill this site . . . that they are not shaped by “abysmal narcissism and general nastiness.” Or perhaps those gratuitous cheap shots don’t qualify as “general nastiness”? Or maybe a spirit of “abysmal narcissism” blinds you to this? Or perhaps you believe a special gift allows you to judge others by a different standard than you yourself live by?

    “Actually, JDs don’t offer an guarantee of a high I.Q. — Michele Bachmann is living proof of that.” I’d love to put that one down as not “general nastiness” but it would leave me a little confused. If that kind of unnecessary whack does not qualify as “general nastiness,” then what does? Maybe it’s because it was not “shaped by abysmal narcissism.” But then one wonders what shape would compel someone to ridicule a sitting congresswoman who enjoyed a successful career in law and who dedicated much of her adulthood to providing foster care for 23 children. #waronwomen But your point is well made. Just imagine the beating Elizabeth Warren would take from the left for her deficient IQ if she was not part Cherokee. She’d be weeping a Trail of Tears.

    PS: Coulter is a member of a well-known PCA church. “So what?” The point was that she, unlike Wilson, can make this claim. I bet, however, that if she was a member of a Jew-hating “God damn AmeriKKKa” church, her “abysmal narcissism and general nastiness” would be proof of a life committed to social justice.


  7. Please do not curse. Even if you don’t like Elizabeth Warren’s politics (and I do) surely you don’t think that either Ann Coulter or Michele Bachmann are her intellectual equals. I understand why some contributors to this blog chose/need to guard their identity. We all know what happens to those who yank the tails on the jackasses who “pastor” Christ Church. But, you, Carlos (who probably are not Anthony Weiner) are, or were at one time, a man of chest. Why not own what you write? And, yes, I will speak against Doug, his homophobia, sexism, and crackpot slant on theology for as long as I have breath in my body. He has caused and continues to cause untold damage to the Gospel. I will also, as I always have, own my remarks and live with the consequences. BTW, in my experience (as an old lady I have earned the right to use that phrase), political ideologues are as dangerous as religious fanatics. Have a care.


  8. “surely you don’t think that either Ann Coulter or Michele Bachmann are her intellectual equals.”

    No, I don’t. I think they are her moral and intellectual superiors, with or without her Cherokee genes. And yes, those would be the same genes that got her hired at U Penn and Harvard under their respective minorities programs. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t believe a far-left feminist would have to play the Indian card to get hired in a liberal institution unless her grades weren’t the sharpest arrows in the quiver. Moreover, I’m not aware that Coulter or Bachmann had to play Pocahontas to get their jobs, most likely because their records stood on their own merits. These facts aside, I still could be wrong and you could be right, because there is a certain sense where it’s incredibly smart for a hardcore lefty to game affirmative action so she could secure a position in the academy. Most honest people would call this fraud, but it’s smart nonetheless — street smart. Hopefully that’s not the part of her politics that you like. Whatever that may be, how appropriate that she sits in the same seat that Teddy “let’s go for a drive, Mary Jo” Kennedy once soiled. Lefties sure know how to pick their heroes. (By the way, I am not lionizing Coulter or Bachmann, I am simply defending them against the silly accusation that neither is bright.)

    And you have confused two points. It’s one thing to “speak against Doug, his homophobia, sexism, and crackpot slant on theology.” It’s another thing to take shots at his personal appearance, hygiene, and eating habits, which was my point about the “general nastiness” of some of your comments and which you did not answer. If it’s wrong for Coulter, why is not wrong for you? For the record, those shots don’t bother me a bit, but the question stands, if it’s wrong for Coulter, then why not for you.

    PS: Wilson’s not a homophobe. He’s a homohater. Big difference. Phobia won’t send anyone to hell. Hate will.

    PSS: I did not curse. I quoted Hussein Obama’s spiritual father (his words), who is also his former pastor.


  9. For some humorous but insightful looks at Michele Bachmann, Karl Rove, the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and others pick of a copy of “Mad Special Collection Edition: The 100 Dumbest People, Events, & Things Of The Century (So Far).”

    Sorry, Douglas Wilson is such an insignificantly small fish, he didn’t make the cut, although any informed reader could devote such and issue to Wilson. Only the title in the Wilson edition would be “The 1000 Dumbest Religious/Political/Racist/Sexist/Sexual Ignorance/Homophobic/Etc Utterances Of The Last 50 years.” (And he still continues to pile them up, going for 2000.)


  10. Speaking of Sarah Palin, the lefties were right about her because she was incredibly wrong about ObamaCare’s so-called “death panels.” She wasn’t even close.

    I can say this with absolute confidence because Obama and his useful idiots in the media used to tout the VA healthcare system as the model for Obamacare and we have just recently discovered that the VA doesn’t rely on death panels to ration its medicine. Rather, it relies on death lines. That is, the VA makes vets wait so long to see their doctor that they literally die waiting. And stupid Sarah Palin never saw this. She unbelievably thought that Obamacare would actually allow patients to see their physician before he submitted their claim to the death panel.

    Kudos to the left for its remarkable brilliance.


  11. What has happened and is happening at the VA is unconscionable. Unfortunately it has been that way since the early 1980s.


  12. Cut the BS and stay on point. Hussein promised to reform the VA several times during his campaign and other times during his reign, yet he has done nothing about it. He knew there was a problem; he described the problem with explicit detail; and he did nothing to correct the problem.

    Moving forward, he and his useful idiots promised that Obamacare would be exactly like the VA, which simply means he actually made a promise he planned to keep, contra the bald-faced lies on which he predicated the whole con job: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan.”

    Hussein predicated his signature legislation on these colossal lies (one of them earned the “Lie of the Year” award) because he knew that if he told the truth, he would have been buried in a landslide. Imagine these campaign promises: “If you like your doctor, you can suck my dick. If you like your healthcare plan, you can blow it out your ass. And if you want to die a slow painful death while waiting in line so that government bureaucrats can pay themselves jumbo bonuses because they cooked the books to meet their quotas, then vote for me because I plan to make you hurt so bad you’ll wish you were dead.” I seriously doubt that even the most diehard Obots would cast their ballot for that.

    Yes, “what has happened and is happening at the VA is unconscionable” — at least for anyone who has a conscience — which rules out the Muslim in Chief who has the VA operating exactly according to his plan. He lied about the VA just like he lied about Obamacare. First the vets, then the general population. Kill them any way you can. Jihad accomplished.

    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” — President Hussein, September 25, 2012


  13. A few more comparisons between Wilson and President Hussein:

    Wilson never acknowledges his responsibility for any wrongdoing. NEVER. Because it’s always someone else’s fault. Ditto Obama, who always blames the obstructionist Republicans or George W. for all his policy failures, even though he had both houses of Congress for the first two years of his reign and W has been off the grid for 6 years (7 counting TARP).

    Both men hold ideologies that allow them to address the masses instead of individuals, in order to advance their malignant political agendas. Wilson calls it covenantal theology; Obama calls it “doing my job” though it’s communism proper. But the name doesn’t matter because both ideologies are the chosen means to an end. Wilson wants to rule the Palouse and Obama wants to permanently cripple the USA. Broad visions both, and only achievable by eliminating the value of individual life and substituting it with the masses, which makes it easy to dismiss the dead with the Stalinist proverb, “You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.” Reprobates both.

    Both men have been publicly rebuked by the highest courts in the realms of their respective jurisdictions, and both men have blown off these rebukes as meaningless and insignificant. The highest courts in the Reformed world have unanimously repudiated the Federal Vision, yet Wilson insists they’re all wrong because he’s right. And of course con law professor Hussein Obama has been unanimously shut out by SCOTUS 12 different times, yet he continues to act like pharaoh who answers to no one — mortal or immortal. Just last week Hussein announced that since Congress would not give him the immigration law he demanded, he would write and execute his own law, which we see him enacting on the US border at this very moment. The lice, the TB, the scabies — it’s a thing of beauty when you throw open the borders for everyone to enter — including terrorists.

    Both men have cultivated cults of personality around themselves, without which they would wither away and die. Wilsonites hang on every word that proceeds from the mouth of Doug, as though all the cowpies that roll off his tongue are both divinely inspired, just as Obots really believe that Hussein did not intentionally side with the Islamists who attacked Benghazi when he abandoned four Americans to their deaths, even as two former SEALs painted targets with their lasers for the drones overhead, which would have turned the battle if the Muslim in Chief had given the order. How stupid are Hussein’s useful idiots? Get this — they really believe there’s not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS; that Lois Lerner’s hard drive really did crash when Congress subpoenaed her emails; and that she accidently failed to back it up in violation of federal law. What a coinkidink. Both Wilson’s and Hussein’s useful idiots have no capacity for critical thought when the subject of their respective Dear Leader arises, despite whatever higher education they may have received in their lives. They shut down their brains and instantly fall in line: “We will do your will O Dear Leader.” Just like Jonestown.

    Wilson and Hussein both believe in “win at all costs” — or as the POS gangsta in the White House said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” (and all the useful idiots said, “Amen, we will do your will O Dear Leader”). For the useful idiots who don’t understand what this means, the pro-gun control Hussein is talking about gunning down Americans who disagree with his policy. But Hussein’s no different than Wilson, who kicks you in the balls when you reach out to shake his hand and then unleashes his thugs to harass you and your family before you ever knew he had planned to waste you. In this respect both men believe that it’s better to kill any potential opposition, without notice, than to leave yourself possibly vulnerable because both men are antichristian monsters who will stop at nothing to crush any dissent.


  14. And as I write, C-Span is broadcasting the House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on the VA scandal, where whistleblowers are testifying about the abuse and harassment they suffered when they complained about the horrible conditions imposed on patients. From the WSJ:

    “Meanwhile, a doctor at the veterans hospital in Phoenix says she was harassed and humiliated after complaining about problems at the hospital, where dozens of veterans died while on waiting lists for appointments.

    “Dr. Katherine Mitchell said the hospital’s emergency room was severely understaffed and couldn’t keep up with ‘the dangerous flood of patients’ there. Dr. Mitchell, a former co-director of the Phoenix VA hospital’s ER, said in testimony prepared for the House committee that strokes, heart attacks, internal head bleeding and other serious medical problems were missed by staffers ‘overwhelmed by the glut of patients.’

    “Her complaints about staffing problems were ignored, Dr. Mitchell said, and she was transferred, suspended and reprimanded. . . .”

    Now I wonder, Does Wilson copy Hussein’s playbook? Does Hussein copy Wilson’s playbook? Or are both beasts spawned by Satan to copy his playbook?


  15. You seem to not remember that it has been the Republicans that have consistently voted against providing funding for the VA and other veterans assistance programs. A recent, but just one of many, many examples:


    Every administration and legislature since 1980 has failed to adequately fund and to administer to the needs of those who suffered medical problems while serving in the military. All of these administrations and the concurrent legislatures have also denied and attempted to hide the problem by devious means. There is no excuse for any of them, including Obama, but Obama is not different from his predecessors in this regard.

    I hope that you will seek psychiatric intervention and care for your fixation before you become a real danger to yourself and others. The perhaps you can help find a bipartisan solution to these and other problems. I hope that you have the private resources to pay for your care in this regard since you reject government assistance to those with health issues.

    You are also a failure at guessing.


    • Dearest DtG,

      I understand. I understand this is hard for you because it’s not difficult to defend the impossible — it’s impossible. I understand that you do not understand that cannot win this argument and so you must resort to the talking points that were spoon fed to you by Hussein’s useful idiots (in case you don’t understand, that would be one idiot feeding another). Believe me, I understand.

      In your defense, you should claim that you can’t help yourself because you are what you eat. Or what they feed you. That’s certainly a much stronger argument than “It’s the Republican’s fault!” which only works in the White House, on the lowest-rated cable news networks, and on leftwing propaganda sites such as Huff Po. But not in real life.

      The Dems have owned the Senate since 2006, so any Republican no votes in the interim haven’t changed anything. This is irrelevant, however, because the problem at the VA is not a funding issue, contra your assertion — the problem at the VA is the systematic corruption that has taken root in the admin that knowingly established policies that were intended to kill patients in order to payoff bureaucrats. So it doesn’t matter who voted for or against any more money for the VA, if the killers were hell bent on depriving vets of healthcare to reward their own wicked selves for their remarkable service to the vets:

      “The VA paid out more than $2.8 million in ‘performance awards’ in the last fiscal year to executives. . . . Throughout the VA, nearly $400 million was paid in bonuses in fiscal 2011.”

      More to point, whistleblowers testified that when they complained about the substandard care, the phantom appointments, and the death lines, higher-ups retaliated against them through harassment, intimidation, demotion, and pressuring them into silence, and from what I read all the intimidation took place under the Hussein regime:

      I agree that the VA has been plagued with problems for years; this is the nature of any government operation as illustrated by the oxymorons “postal service” or “military intelligence.” (Ronaldus Magnus was correct when he said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”) But those problems reached their tipping point under Hussein — the POS who clearly articulated the waiting-list problems in the VA and didn’t lift a finger to correct it, and who strangely has not burned the system to the ground the moment the public discovered the truth about the awful bonuses that were paid to these murderers as a direct reward for dead vets.

      Finally, I ain’t guessing, Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy. I have access and I understand you better than you understand yourself. It’s difficult, I know.


  16. Dearest DtG,

    I understand. I understand this is hard for you because it’s not difficult to defend the impossible — it’s impossible. I understand that you do not understand that cannot win this argument and so you must resort to the talking points that were spoon fed to you by Hussein’s useful idiots (in case you don’t understand, that would be one idiot feeding another). Believe me, I understand.

    In your defense, you should claim that you can’t help yourself because you are what you eat. Or what they feed you. That’s certainly a much stronger argument than “It’s the Republican’s fault!” which only works in the White House, on the lowest-rated cable news networks, and on leftwing propaganda sites such as Huff Po. But not in real life.

    The Dems have owned the Senate since 2006, so any Republican no votes in the interim haven’t changed anything. This is irrelevant, however, because the problem at the VA is not a funding issue, contra your assertion — the problem at the VA is the systematic corruption that has taken root in the admin that knowingly established policies that were intended to kill patients in order to payoff bureaucrats. So it doesn’t matter who voted for or against any more money for the VA, if the killers were hell bent on depriving vets of healthcare to reward their own wicked selves for their remarkable service to the vets:

    “The VA paid out more than $2.8 million in ‘performance awards’ in the last fiscal year to executives. . . . Throughout the VA, nearly $400 million was paid in bonuses in fiscal 2011.”

    More to point, whistleblowers testified that when they complained about the substandard care, the phantom appointments, and the death lines, higher-ups retaliated against them through harassment, intimidation, demotion, and pressuring them into silence, and from what I read all the intimidation took place under the Hussein regime. (See July 9 Washington Post, as Memes tends to delete comments with more than one link).

    I agree that the VA has been plagued with problems for years; this is the nature of any government operation as illustrated by the oxymorons “postal service” or “military intelligence.” (Ronaldus Magnus was correct when he said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”) But those problems reached their tipping point under Hussein — the POS who clearly articulated the waiting-list problems in the VA and didn’t lift a finger to correct it, and who strangely has not burned the system to the ground the moment the public discovered the truth about the awful bonuses that were paid to these murderers as a direct reward for dead vets.

    Finally, I ain’t guessing, Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy. I have access and I understand you better than you understand yourself. It’s difficult, I know.


  17. And yet more exact similarities between President Hussein and Doug “Allahu Akbar!” Wilson:

    The USA is in the middle of the worst crisis of Hussein’s disastrous 6-year reign — from the catastrophic rollout of Obamacare; to the IRS cover up, to the revelation that the NSA spies not only on every American with a cell phone and an email account but also on US allies; to the horrible VA revelations; to the recent news that that the US economy actually shrunk 2% in the last quarter; to the complete meltdown of the Middle East (ISIS now has WMD and today they found juice to make nukes); to the pathetic children invading the US border at Hussein’s invitation — it’s been a rough few months for the party boy in the White House. These facts notwithstanding, Hussein managed to find time in his busy schedule of destabilizing the globe to do a photo op with the governor of Colorado, sucking down beer and shooting stick in a pub where one of the patrons offered Hussein a hit off his joint (which is probably what he did during Benghazi, either that or crack). But this is exactly like party boy Wilson who, after he discovered Steven Sitler raped countless children in the congregation as well as countless more across the US — after discovering this horrifying fact — he scheduled a massive 3-day festival to be held all over Moscow to drink beer, shove food down his fat hole, and pretend that nothing happened. Just like Hussein.

    Both men are just slightly more popular with the general public than venereal disease, though not by much. Hussein recently tanked as the worst president since WWII (this poll, however, was clearly skewed in his favor because if the question was “Who is the worst president ever?” Hussein would have won in a landslide, so the pollster limited the scope to the last 75 years). Be that as it may, Wilson enjoys the same level of popularity with the general public in Moscow, that is, not popular at all — as witnessed by the proxy he requires to do his bidding. No one trusts the POS any more than they trust Hussein.

    Then there’s their relationship with the media. Both hucksters are cut from the same Orwellian cloth. If they can’t control the media, then they censor it. Just yesterday, “38 journalism groups have assailed the president’s team for censoring media coverage, limiting access to top officials and overall ‘politically-driven suppression of the news.’” (See yesterday’s Washington Examiner) This is unprecedented for any president, including Nixon, but it’s certainly consistent for the worst prez since WWII, and it’s exactly how Wilson treats the media. He censors the truth and deliberately feeds false reports to the newspapers instead. One example should suffice: When Steven Sitler was about to be released on probation, Wilson withheld the circumstances of this fact from his congregation AND the general public, and at the same time he force fed Christopher DUI Morris to the Trib to herald the glories of all things Wilson.

    It follows, therefore, that just as both men seek to control the media, so neither man can stand any public criticism. For example, yesterday a Dem congressman criticized Hussein on TV for not visiting the US border to witness firsthand the crisis he created, which is absolutely a fair criticism. He made the disaster; he should at least have the decency to smell the fruit of his hands. But Hussein took offense to this Dem calling him out and had one of his thugs call the Dem to silence him. (See yesterday’s NRO for the vid). This is exactly what Wilson would do — squeeze the critic into silence, by any means, because his skin is possibly thinner than Hussein’s (perhaps “thin skin” is the wrong metaphor because technically snakes shed their skin, which would seem to preclude thinness). Whatever the reason, both men dish abuse every time they open their mouths and neither tolerates criticism of any kind.


  18. TIME Magazine, one of the Hussein regime’s well-known media outlets, goes rogue with an opinion piece titled “Bloggers, Surveillance and Obama’s Orwellian State.”

    There are two primary differences between Hussein and Wilson on this point:

    1. Hussein has access to the finest spying technology ever invented and he abuses his access to spy on anyone he wishes (just ask Angela Merkel), whereas Wilson’s access is limited to the felonies that Dale Courtney, Doug Ferret and a few other hacks are willing to commit on his behalf.

    2. Consequently, Wilson is green with envy for Hussein’s power, which is one of the reasons he despises him so much. (For Wilson’s useful idiots who may be reading this, here’s how to tell the difference between jealousy and envy: Jealousy simply wants what another person has, whereas envy not only wants what that person has — it also does not want that person to have it.) Yes indeed, Wilson is gangrene with envy. It devours him like cancer.

    Orwellian Obama. Orwellian Wilson. Twin brothers of different mothers. 1984 in 2014.


  19. Those that wish to see how obsessed and in denial about the whole picture the above is and why partisan politics as well as executive bumbling has continued this tragedy:

    Google: house republicans vote VA

    Remember the results when you next vote, if you care about veterans.


    • Dear Dia Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy:

      You changed one or two notes in your tune when you changed your name (again), but you have not changed your idiocy, which remains a stumbling block for you. In your last post you tried blaming the Republicans in the Senate (see the two links you furnished). Now you want to pin it on the Republicans in the House, without acknowledging your error.

      As I said, I understand that you cannot understand this because as a useful idiot you surrendered your faculties to the Dear Leader Hussein in exchange for his promise to breast feed you a constant diet of useful idiot milk straight from the Puff Ho’s teat. But I’ll take a moment to explain this to you for no other reason than the fact that I kinda enjoy rubbing your nose in your ignorance.

      So. Once again. The problem at the VA is not and never has been the budget — whether Dems or Republicans voted for or against it. But don’t take my word for it. Read TIME Magazine, that bastion of leftwing propaganda that sometimes accidentally prints the truth (you can’t expect consistency from idiots):

      “The environment in today’s Veterans Health Administration is one in which some VA health officials are so driven in their quest for performance bonuses, promotions and power that they are willing to lie, cheat and put the health of the veterans they were hired to serve at risk. These are not people who deserve a second chance. They deserve a swift exit from federal employment, and possibly an entrance to federal prison. Any VA administrator who ordered subordinates to purposely manipulate appointment data should be fired immediately.”

      All the money in the world will not change this, as long as these VA corruptocrats remain untouchable, which is a point that Dia Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy cannot understand because Dear Leader Hussein prohibits such understanding.

      Nevertheless, for those who wish to see how obsessed and in denial about the whole picture that Dia Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy is and why partisan politics as well as executive bumbling has continued this tragedy, please google “senate democrats vote VA.” Then see how Google returns results that you request when you preload the query with “Republican” or “Democrat.”

      In conclusion, I applaud you for your loyalty and persistence, Dia Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy, but you need to know that it is possible for a useful idiot to become useless and I think you’re fast approaching that point. The good news for you, however, is that despite your uselessness you can still proudly proclaim yourself an idiot, which is the next pseudonym I urge you to adopt: “Useless Idiot — Formerly known as Dia Hooper Brown Agnes Dinah the Gypsy.”


  20. Dear Carlos Danger,

    My goodness — why are you so bitter? And why do you fail to recognize the role of people like your ambiguous gender crush Ann Coulter in the role of the VA failure? Indeed, as much as you whine otherwise, Ann & Doug are cut from the same cloth. The only difference between them is that in Doug’s World, Ann would have been silenced long ago . . . she never would have existed.


    • My Dear Useless Sicko Idiot:

      You ask, “why are you so bitter?”

      I answer, “How long have you been beating your wife?”

      You ask, “And why do you fail to recognize the role of people like your ambiguous gender crush Ann Coulter in the role of the VA failure?”

      I answer, “The only failure here is your failure to use facts to support any of your arguments, and by ‘facts’ I mean established truth, which is much different than repeating the talking points that were fed to you by the useful idiots at KOS, Slate, TNR, PBS, MSNBC, Puff Ho, and The New York Times.”

      You write: “Indeed, as much as you whine otherwise, Ann & Doug are cut from the same cloth.”

      I answer: “This is an unsubstantiated assertion. I contrasted Coulter and Wilson at great length (see above, “Anne Coulter is a trained lawyer,” etc.) and no one successfully refuted any one of my points. If you wish to demonstrate why you believe Coulter and Wilson are cut from the same cloth, such as how I demonstrated Wilson and Hussein mirror each other (see above, “Hussein Obama is a know-it-all narcissist. . .” etc.), I would be glad to hear it. Otherwise, you can do with your assertion the very thing I will have to do with my healthcare plan — you know, the one I like — namely, shove it up your ass.”

      You write: “The only difference between them is that in Doug’s World, Ann would have been silenced long ago . . . she never would have existed.”

      I answer: “There appears to be a word missing in this sentence and I lack the skill to divine your useless idiot mind to ascertain what word you skipped. Then again, since you are an idiot, maybe you really believe it is possible to silence someone who never existed. I’m not sure.”

      Whatever you think, let me clarify two things for you:

      First, Wilson has been a huge fan of Coulter since she wrote the column that got her canned from NRO. So he actually agrees with this meme.

      Second, Wilson would only want Coulter silenced or dead if she spoke out against him, just like Hussein. So you are dead wrong with this idiot assertion.

      Finally, I really meant it when I wrote that I understand you better than you understand yourself. The reason you’re so exercised over my spot-on comparisons between Doug Wilson and your Dear Leader Hussein is because liberalism is your religion. Yes, you may be an avowed atheist but this does not mean you do not have religion. It simply means that you found another way to be religious, and the moment I blasphemed the high priest of your religion (Hussein) by comparing him to the antichrist of your religion (Wilson), you became a Pharisee of Pharisees, rent your garments, adopted two new personalities, and rose to defend your religion — like a true disciple. You even evangelized by encouraging voters to vote with you after they googled according to your specific instructions. You might as well go door to door.

      It was entirely predictable. I knew exactly what you would say and how you would say it, because in this you’re no different than a disciple of Wilson who defends his Cultmaster with a combination of ad homs and ridiculously specious arguments, just as you have done. And every time I catch you or correct you, you ignore the point or adopt a new pseudonym to prosecute your one-man inquisition against the blasphemer of your religion. Just like one of Wilson’s useful idiots. Believe me, I really do understand you.

      In fact, the only reason you troll this blog is because you hate Wilson for the same reason you hate me — he blasphemes your religion. So you post absurd comments about private investigators who specialize in child abuse, as though this has some kind of psych op value against the enemy of your religion. But you don’t care about Christianity. If you had your way, it’d be wiped off the map because it contradicts every article of your religion. And since liberalism (your religion) is really statism, which is really totalitarianism (I know that’s too many isms for your idiot brain), you want me crushed into silence just as your High Priest Hussein wants all his opponents crushed into silence — just as Wilson wants all his opponents crushed (yes, Wilson is a practical liberal and an absolute statist who believes only in his state, which is why he rebels against all authority). You’re all exactly alike. And you’ll all rot in hell, exactly where you should be, all with one another. A perfect end to perfectly miserable souls.

      PS: Pick a name and stick to it.


  21. Dear Carlos,

    Not only are you a vile bitter man, you’re also a pathetic liar. I have posted here on CREC Memes perhaps two or three times before this and *only* with this handle. I am a practicing Christian who is right with my God. Thus, you are factually wrong. But, I’ll make you a deal I doubt you’ll have the stones to accept because you’d then be exposed for the liar you are: start commenting with your own name and I’ll do the same. What’s that? Crickets? What a surprise from an impotent bitter man too scared to sign his own name.


  22. Dear Useless Sicko Idiot:

    You have convinced me that your comprehension is much lower than the average idiot. Furthermore, you have convinced me that you are unable to string two successive thoughts together that actually follow one another because you are too angry at me for blaspheming your religion (maybe you should find a new religion). Therefore, I’ll make this simple.

    Please demonstrate where I have lied.

    Then please tell us what happened to Agnes, Dinah the Gypsy, Dia, and Hooper Brown.

    Most Sincerely,

    Carlos Danger

    PS: Today is the 45th anniversary of Mary Jo Kopechne’s death. Most people don’t know this, but the fire-rescue officer who recovered her body testified that she probably lived three to four hours in an air pocket inside Teddy’s capsized vehicle, before she suffocated to death. Did you get that? — She suffocated to death — she did not drown to death — she suffocated. And Mary Jo Kopechne’s end is the end of all useful idiots. They use you (she wasn’t wearing panties); then they ditch you. Poor woman probably thought Teddy would was an honorable man — you know, Camelot and all that “Kennedy mystique” bullshit. So after one hour goes by, she thinks,“ He’ll be back any minute.” Two hours go by and her limbs are numb because she’s cramped, can’t move well, and the chilly north Atlantic waters begin to penetrate: “He’s a Kennedy, of course he’s coming with help.” After three hours she’s delirious and near death. The terror has passed; it’s just a matter of time. Little does she know that Teddy’s back at the hotel complaining to the hotel owner that a noisy party disturbed his sleep and woke him up at 2:55 am, right about the time Mary Jo passed away. That’s right, Teddy was sound asleep the whole time she thought he was seeking help.

    That’s your end, Sicko, Agnes, Dinah the Gypsy, Dia, Hooper Brown — because Teddycare, Obamacare, VA care are all the same, because they don’t care about you, starting with your Dear Leader Hussein. They don’t care how or where or when you die — whether it’s in the backseat of their Oldsmobile gasping for your last breath while they’re sound asleep or whether it’s waiting for an appointment to see a doctor in their healthcare system as you wither away from terminal cancer. They don’t care about you. They care only for their bonuses, which are only possible if they simultaneously provide for and deny your healthcare — at the same time (please forgive the redundancy but I’m pretty sure you missed it even after the second time).

    PSS: I am amused that a pseudonymous person who uses multiple pseudonyms to comment on a pseudonymous blog ridicules me for cowardice, boasts of his courage, and works in “stones” and “impotence” — all because he thinks I’m using a pseudonym. Methinks there may be some shrinkage in the appendage at all the wrong times. How ’bout I call you “Marshmallow,” you old softie?

    PSSS: Don’t forget that I have access — which includes access to your head. I live in there rent free (lots of room on account of it being so hollow).

    PSSSS: I apologize for the four postscripts, which I am sure have maxed out your limited idiot capacity. So please ignore them, because it’s important that you answer my two questions (see above, “Please demonstrate where I have lied. Then please tell us what happened to Agnes, Dinah the Gypsy, Dia, and Hooper Brown,” etc.


  23. Useless Sicko Idiot:

    You suffer from another problem in addition to your liberal intolerance of me blaspheming your religion — namely, your religion requires you to live in an echo chamber of groupthink (as before, the redundancy is deliberate), strictly prohibiting you from contemplating anything that contradicts the aforementioned groupthought. Obviously this paradigm works in closed totalitarian societies where everyone agrees with each other, such as the cult called Christ Church or the cult called liberalism. Cultees only consult the prince of Gog and Magog for their daily useful idiot indoctrination and lefties are only permitted to read or listen to KOS, Puff Ho, MSNBC, Slate, TNR — all the usual suspects — to obtain their daily useful idiot talking points, which are neither factual nor true. I could prove this fact with several examples if you require such evidence but it’s easier if we just stipulate it for record in order to expedite your analysis.

    So you live in an echo chamber of groupthink where fellow useful idiots constantly reinforce your idiocy, which makes you feel good. There’s just one problem, however, that you cannot overcome and that leads to your ultimate frustration — namely, whenever anyone challenges your assumed facts, which are not facts at all, you haven’t a clue how to respond because your fellow useful idiots failed to equip you with the ability to successfully contradict reality, which is is impossible. Consequently you make me the issue, which logicians call argumentum ad hominem (as you know). It’s either ad hom or acknowledge the truth, which would turn your whole world upside down. This is the same exact problem suffered by cultees, and both of you resort to the same exact fallacy because, as noted, the price for recognizing reality is far too high.

    This is why I state with absolute confidence that every argument with a liberal is won before the first word is spoken, or typed, because libs have their set of talking points that only work in their echo chamber but that contradict reality. So the lib gets pissed off and lashes out against the person telling them the truth — just like Wilson’s cultees. It’s as predictable as the sunrise. And as common. It’s the only argument you have.

    Look closely at this thread and notice how the one or two times you tried to engage me with your talking points, the actual facts shut you down faster than when Hussein turned his back on the Americans who died in Benghazi (the real world did not comport with his alternate reality and so like a lib he ignored reality). Then when you saw you had no facts on your side, you turned to your best friend the ad hom, right on cue. Your world is so closed you didn’t even realize that you specifically tailored your Google query to return the exact result you wanted. It wasn’t second nature for you, it was first nature, which demonstrates the depth of your self-imposed ignorance.

    This is why you are a useful idiot. The leaders of the left hold you in utter contempt but they still pander to you because they cannot hold their seats of power without you. More specifically, they cannot hold their authority without your idiocy, which they use. They need you in exactly the same way that Wilson needs his cultees, and without you and your fellow useful idiots they would run out of oxygen and die — just like Mary Jo Kopechne — except their deaths would be less painful.

    Now. Lest I leave you without hope, let me end with a word of encouragement. There is life without liberalism just as there is life without Wilson. But it absolutely requires you to abandon the echo chamber of groupthink just as a cultee must abandon the cult before he may enjoy life. I know it looks scary out there but believe me when I say that millions have done it before you and millions will continue doing it. So take a leap. Leave the idiots behind. It’s worth it.


  24. Mr. Danger, I can’t tell what you’re trying to do with your comments. If you’re trying to vent, then I suppose that this is as good a forum as any for it. If you’re trying to convince people that liberalism is a mental disorder or something of that nature, it seems like your tone isn’t calibrated the best way to sway hearts.

    Personally, I don’t like Ann Coulter. It isn’t so much the content of the words, so much as her choice of words and delivery method. She is probably saying some things that need to be said, but she doesn’t seem very effective in convincing people of the truth of her words. The same can be said of Doug Wilson to some extent. Wilson injects quite a bit of truth into the things that he says, but the tone in which he speaks, and the way that he chooses to condescend to his audience tends to make him ineffective at convincing anyone who does not already hold to his position.


  25. “I can’t tell what you’re trying to do with your comments”

    Memes: I don’t expect you to understand. Suffice to say that I am not writing to you or with you in mind; you have completely misread me as you do Coulter (How much have you misread me? — I specifically called liberalism a religion, more than once, yet you somehow came away thinking I called it a mental disorder); and there are exchanges taking place here that are beneficial. Mr. Sicko is an extremely bright man who knows how to frame a logically tight argument. He’s just gotten sloppy here because he broke the first rule of rhetoric — lose your temper, lose your case — and he lost his temper because I blasphemed his religion. You know the rest from there.

    PS: Let this be a lesson to you to never talk about politics AND religion at the same time.


  26. Another similarity between Wilson and Hussein (for you, MEMES):

    Both men are scofflaws. Raise your hand if you remember how Wilson chortled and scoffed (in between his weeping and wailing) when the Latah County Commissioners ordered him to pay property tax on Anselm House. He did the same thing when the Moscow City Council declared NSA in violation of the zoning code. In both cases he mocked the law and the complainants as petty things beneath his attention. Likewise Hussein, who for the past few weeks has mocked the US Constitution and the rule of law by saying, “I’m just doing my job” — of course, he refers to his unilateral executive actions that have overridden the constitution and the law. At the same time, Hussein mocks the GOP for taking him to court, which is their only remedy to his lawlessness short of impeachment. And we all know that the GOP will never remove Hussein from the Oval Office any more than the Christ Cult elders would remove Wilson. Actually, Wilson rewrote the cult constitution to ensure that the elders can never remove him, so that point is not analogous.


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