8 thoughts on “Catechism of femininity

  1. What adult woman would enjoy a life free of adult responsibilities? When, the biggest decisions one makes in the life include making grocery lists and folding intricate patterns for Sabbath dinner napkins it is not unexpected that the brain atrophies. Perpetual childhood is not a career goal and neither is genuflecting at the idol you have made of your husband. Stockholm Syndrome is alive and thriving in the Kirk!

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    • I think you nailed it. Adulthood is all about taking responsibility and making difficult choices on your own. That’s actually the Kirky definition of manhood. The difference between adulthood and childhood for a woman is basically just sexual maturity.


  2. We are given a brain for a reason and a purpose – neither of which include turning that gift over to a Doug inspired jackass to boost a fragile male ego. What a sacrilegious travesty to squander what is a God given a blessing.


  3. “Mutis animalibus aut servi non sunt.”

    Thanks to: https://www.google.com/search?q=english+to+latin# because I don’t give a hoot that my grasp of Latin has slipped into a dark and fearsome abyss.

    Several years of high school Latin is not something that I, or any of my classmates, imagined made us “fancy,” and certainly wasn’t a hallmark of a special set of brains. But then, we attended a government school which didn’t rely on the musings of a woman who had no siblings and whose only child was given away at birth to relatives. Poor fellow wasn’t even acknowledged as her son until after her death. Why would Doug find Dorothy Sayers so appealing and yet reject the actual experience, background and training of Maria Montessori? One was a hanger on of the Inkings who wrote mystery books about an English aristocrat (wistful projection??? I think so!) the other a physician and prominent, internationally celebrated educator? I guess it’s the Brit thing, private schools, etc. etc. etc.

    And, I apologize that I have hogged so much space on CREC memes tonight – but you guys are an inspiration!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rose, whatever you may think about Dorothy Sayers, you’ve got to appreciate the irony that she was a highly educated woman who really didn’t conform to DW’s standard of femininity.

      It’s the same with the praise for Flannery O’Connor (brilliant, brilliant woman). You have to wonder what advice/correction women like Sayers and O’Connor would receive if they were in a CREC congregation.


  4. Patriarchy in Wilson’s Empire is not only driven by the cowardly urge to wield power over another, but anyone familiar with modern psychology/psychotherapy can tell from Wilson’s writings that he and his fellow (male) followers suffer from debilitating hauntings of penis inadequacy and trembling fear of castration.

    I wonder what Nancy Wilson’s life might have been like if she had married a man who loved her, treated her like an equal, encouraged her to develop all her talents, and unlike Wilson did not privately just use her for something to be penetrated, conquered, and colonized, and then publicly proclaimed those repeated acts of sexual slavery to the world — an X rated version of kiss and tell all in God’s name according to Wilson.

    Poor Nancy: she endured being used just as a receptacle, incubator, and sycophant, then have that dehumanizing use shouted from the rooftops — used and then mortified. What a wonderful, convenient, self-serving religion for men. What a degrading life for a woman to live.


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