She was an adult…

AdultDoug Wilson (Doug Phillips of Idaho)  tries to manage the situation by pointing a few things out:

We can’t have it both ways. We cannot accuse Vision Forum of treating all women like little girls, and then turn around and treat all women as little girls who can’t be expected to say no to a cad at Vision Forum. Everyone who automatically assumes that Torres-Manteufel was necessarily the victim is ironically buying into a view of the world that assumes that grown women are not responsible for what they say or do.” (link)



2 thoughts on “She was an adult…

  1. Pingback: Patriarchy: Doug Phillips, Bill Gothard, Doug Wilson and Damage Control | Spiritual Sounding Board

  2. Doug Wilson will always defend patriarchy – I suppose he realizes that demanding respect is the only way he can achieve it. My heart aches for the young woman who was molested – certainly the responses I read on Doug’s blog explain why she must have felt isolated and helpless. It is astonishing to me that some of the least consoling and most accusatory remarks are from women – including Doug’s oldest daughter. I observed the dismissive treatment that Doug provided to a young woman whose molestation by a Kirk member began when she was fourteen – if any level of pastoral accountability were present in Christ Church he would have been defrocked. But, of course there isn’t.


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